Day 11 - NICU - Slow progress


Today, Oliver was making baby steps in the right direction. His CO2 was stable in mid 40's, so the TCM came off. His pO2 was great so they were slowly reducing his O2 throughout the day. Also, a big thing is that he is off IV lipids as he can tolerate more oral feeds (milk). Today he is up to 45ml every 3 h. I am hoping his IV lines can be removed soon.

Today we finally got to see the real Oliver for the first time (not on drugs). He is off Fentanyl, off hydrocortisone and his ventilation is mostly adequate. I am sure he is bothered by CPAP, but comparing to where we were just few days ago, it is a minor thing. He gets hungry quickly and likes to suck on a pacifier dipped in milk.