Day 10 - NICU - Off the respirator


Today, Oliver got another chance to try to breathe on his own. This time, he was: 1. completely off the Fentanyl and 2. given hydrocortisone to reduce airway swelling. Also, they've set up a TCM to monitor his CO2 in real time (from what I understand TCM is not used very often). So far, he seems to be holding his own. His CO2 has been mostly stable today, in the 40's although it did go to 58 for a while. I really, really hope, this time it works.

He hates his CPAP mask, but that is still better than the tracheal tube.

I hate the fact that he is on hydrocortisone, but between that and having to be on respirator for another week or who knows how long, maybe it is lesser of two evils.