Day 21 - Home!


Finally, after 3 weeks, Oliver came home today (hence the smile). Other than first few minutes of his life, this is the first time he is completely wireless (no tubes, no IV, no monitor wires). It was a completely different feeling to pick him up like that.

Doctors were happy with his progress, no desats in the last few days, eating > 90 ml on bottle. He is still taking metronidazole though (mixed in with milk 2x day total of 3 days).

Last 3 weeks have been a rollercoaster ride, and we are physically and emotionally exhausted. Thank you all for your support during this ordeal. Sorry we could not reply to every e-mail, but we do read them all and they mean a lot to us.

I will probably post updates on the web site much less often now. I honestly hope for very, very boring times ahead.